Kategoriler KPSS Kitapları AGS Kitapları Yayınevleri Yazarlar Banka Hesaplarımız İletişim Formu Hakkımızda Sipariş Takibi


9786052203071 State Organs and Their Rule Making Powers Under The New Constitution Of The Rebuplic Of Turkey Bülent Sözer Vedat Kitapçılık
State Organs and Their Rule Making Powers Under The New Constitution Of The Rebuplic Of Turkey Bülent Sözer Vedat Kitapçılık 30.00 TL29.17 TL


Spatial Clustering of Notifiable Communicable Diseases in Turkey M. Kirami Ölgen Kriter Yayınları
Spatial Clustering of Notifiable Communicable Diseases in Turkey Kriter Yayınları 160.00 TL


Spas Hot Springs of Turkey Boyut Yayın Grubu 9789752304109
Spas Hot Springs of Turkey Boyut Yayın Grubu 430.42 TL365.86 TL


Soviet Unions Postwar Demands From Turkey And The Origins of The Cold War İdlir Lika Astana Yayınları 9786055010607
Soviet Unions Postwar Demands From Turkey And The Origins of The Cold War İdlir Lika Astana Yayınları 170.00 TL144.00 TL


Sovereign Credit Rating System and Determinants of Short Term Sovereign Risk Evidence From Turkey Osman Altay Nobel Bilimsel Eserler 9786257932417
Sovereign Credit Rating System and Determinants of Short Term Sovereign Risk Evidence From Turkey Osman Altay Nobel Bilimsel Eserler 165.00 TL148.00 TL


Sociology of Religion in Turkey, 9786258427011, Zuhal Ağılkaya Şahin, Çamlıca Yayınları
Sociology of Religion in Turkey Çamlıca Yayınları 300.00 TL255.00 TL


Societal Securitization Beyond Securitization: Syrian Refugees in Turkey Dilek Canyurt Nobel Bilimsel Eserler
Societal Securitization Beyond Securitization: Syrian Refugees in Turkey Nobel Bilimsel Eserler 150.00 TL135.00 TL


Small-Scale LNG and LNG Bunkering in Turkey Mehmet Doymuş Nobel Bilimsel Eserler
Small-Scale LNG and LNG Bunkering in Turkey Nobel Bilimsel Eserler 290.00 TL261.00 TL


Skeletal Sexing Standards Of Human Remains in Turkey Ekin Kitabevi Yayın 9786257090247
Skeletal Sexing Standards Of Human Remains in Turkey Ekin Kitabevi Yayın 250.00 TL


Sino-Turkey Relations : Concept Policies and Prospects R. Kutay Karaca, Wang Li İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları 9786054827183
Sino-Turkey Relations : Concept Policies and Prospects R. Kutay Karaca, Wang Li İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları 90.00 TL


Sedad Eldem Architect in Turkey Literatür Yayıncılık 9799750403384
Sedad Eldem Architect in Turkey Literatür Yayıncılık 600.00 TL480.00 TL


Secularism and State Religion in Modern Turkey, Eski Yeni Yayınları, Emir Kaya, 9786257673969
Secularism and State Religion in Modern Turkey Eski Yeni Yayınları 265.00 TL198.75 TL


Revival of Islam in Turkey In The 1950 s Through The Reports of American Diplomats Rıfat N. Bali Libra Yayınları 9786054326419
Revival of Islam in Turkey In The 1950 s Through The Reports of American Diplomats Rıfat N. Bali Libra Yayınları 150.00 TL142.50 TL


Rethinking Rightlessness: The "Right to Have Rights" and the EU-Turkey Statement, On İki Levha Yayınları, Berfin Nur Osso, 9786254326530
Rethinking Rightlessness: The 150.00 TL


Researches On Science in 21st Century Turkey Volume 1 Gece Kitaplığı 9786051807713
Researches On Science in 21st Century Turkey Volume 1 Gece Kitaplığı 526.00 TL341.90 TL


Researches On Science And Art In 21st Century Turkey Volume 2 Gece Kitaplığı 9786052880623
Researches On Science And Art In 21st Century Turkey Volume 2 Gece Kitaplığı 824.00 TL536.00 TL


Research on Social Studies Education in the 100 Year of the Republic of Turkey, Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, 9786256764088
Research on Social Studies Education in the 100 Year of the Republic of Turkey Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık 236.00 TL212.40 TL


Renkli Türkiye Colorful Turkey İzzet Keribar Mehmet Kurukahveci Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi 9786056922305
Renkli Türkiye Colorful Turkey İzzet Keribar Mehmet Kurukahveci Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi 150.00 TL130.50 TL


Religious Struggle In Turkey İnkılab Yayınları 9786054194339
Religious Struggle In Turkey İnkılab Yayınları 100.00 TL80.00 TL


Religious Struggle In Turkey İnkılab Basım Yayım 3990000037906
Religious Struggle In Turkey İnkılab Basım Yayım 30.00 TL21.00 TL


Refugee Education in Turkey, Gece Kitaplığı, 9786254300110
Refugee Education in Turkey Gece Kitaplığı 206.00 TL133.90 TL


Rakı The Spirit of Turkey Overteam Yayınları 9786054588053
Rakı The Spirit of Turkey Overteam Yayınları 950.00 TL788.50 TL


8697448930932 Rainy Turkey Hakan Polat
Rainy Turkey Hakan Polat 11.94 TL10.45 TL


Press Freedom in Turkey Myths and Truths Seta Yayınları 9786054023868
Press Freedom in Turkey Myths and Truths Seta Yayınları 100.00 TL85.00 TL


Politics in Turkey Parties Politicians and the Struggle for Power Reuben Silverman Libra Yayınları 9786052380680
Politics in Turkey Parties Politicians and the Struggle for Power Reuben Silverman Libra Yayınları 150.00 TL142.50 TL


9786054023547 Politics and Foreign Policy in Turkey Seta Yayınları
Politics and Foreign Policy in Turkey Seta Yayınları 23.15 TL19.68 TL


Political Representation of Minorities in Greece and Turkey Burcu Taşkın Libra yayınları 9786057884084
Political Representation of Minorities in Greece and Turkey Burcu Taşkın Libra yayınları 200.00 TL190.00 TL


Political Economy Theory And Practice For Turkey Kolektif Gazi Kitabevi 9786053448709
Political Economy Theory And Practice For Turkey Kolektif Gazi Kitabevi 100.00 TL90.00 TL


0028948124770 Plays Sezen Aksu The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Plays Sezen Aksu The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 18.42 TL17.90 TL


Petaloid Monocotyledonous Flora of Bolu Province, Including Annotations on Critical Petaloid Geophytes of Turkey Pegem Yayınları 9786053181453
Petaloid Monocotyledonous Flora of Bolu Province, Including Annotations on Critical Petaloid Geophytes of Turkey 20.00 TL


Paradigms of Political Economy For Turkey Gökhan Karhan Gazi Kitabevi 9786053448655
Paradigms of Political Economy For Turkey Gökhan Karhan Gazi Kitabevi 100.00 TL90.00 TL


Osmanlı Kostümleri Costume of Turkey Octavien Dalvimart İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları
Osmanlı Kostümleri Costume of Turkey Octavien Dalvimart İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları 347.22 TL208.34 TL


OBWL Level 1: The Meaning of Gifts, (Stories from Turkey), audio pack, Oxford University Press, 9780194657877, Jennifer Bassett
OBWL Level 1: The Meaning of Gifts (Stories from Turkey) audio pack Oxford University Press 300.00 TL


Net Neutrality Turkey and Beyond A Road Map for Net Neutrality Regulation in Turkey On İki Levha Yayınları 9789752449992
Net Neutrality Turkey and Beyond A Road Map for Net Neutrality Regulation in Turkey On İki Levha Yayınları 67.60 TL


Natural Gas Economıcs In The Scope Of Long Term Contracts Of Turkey, Gazi Kitabevi, 9786257358958
Natural Gas Economıcs In The Scope Of Long Term Contracts Of Turkey Gazi Kitabevi 94.00 TL84.60 TL


Nation and State Building in Israel (1948-1967) and Turkey (1923-1946) A Comparative Assessment Belçim Taşçıoğlu Libra Yayınları 9786052380284
Nation and State Building in Israel (1948-1967) and Turkey (1923-1946) A Comparative Assessment Belçim Taşçıoğlu Libra Yayınları 140.00 TL


Mycetozoa of Turkey, Nobel Bilimsel Eserler, 9786257296021
Mycetozoa of Turkey Nobel Bilimsel Eserler 280.00 TL252.00 TL


Modernization of Primary Education in the Ottoman State and the Jews of Turkey, Akademisyen Kitabevi, 9786258399110
Modernization of Primary Education in the Ottoman State and the Jews of Turkey Akademisyen Kitabevi 60.00 TL


Modernisation Religion and Politics in Turkey The Case of İskenderpaşa Community Emin Yaşar Demirci İnsan Publications 9786055949075
Modernisation Religion and Politics in Turkey The Case of İskenderpaşa Community Emin Yaşar Demirci İnsan Publications 800.00 TL600.00 TL


Minority Shareholder Protection: A Comparative Analysis Between the UK and Turkey, 9786254320484, Meltem Karatepe Kaya, On İki Levha Yayınları
Minority Shareholder Protection: A Comparative Analysis Between the UK and Turkey On İki Levha Yayınları 197.60 TL


migration in turkey policies reactions discussions, didem doganyilmaz duman, gazi kitabevi, 9786257911825
Migration in Turkey Policies, Reactions, Discussions Gazi Kitabevi 190.00 TL171.00 TL


5099991243928 Metro Fm New Year Compilation
Metro Fm New Year Compilation 28.14 TL11.55 TL


Marketing Management In Turkey: Cases and Challenges Gazi Kitabevi 9799758895761
Marketing Management In Turkey: Cases and Challenges Gazi Kitabevi 200.00 TL180.00 TL


Managing Central Local Fiscal Relations in Turkey, İsa Sağbaş, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 9789750270215
Managing Central Local Fiscal Relations in Turkey İsa Sağbaş Seçkin Yayıncılık 285.00 TL


Magic of Turkey Alfredo Glacon I.B. Tauris
Magic of Turkey I.B. Tauris 66.67 TL63.35 TL


9789754944204 Made in Turkey Bilgi Yayınevi
Made in Turkey Bilgi Yayınevi 34.00 TL23.80 TL


4260036283143 Made In Turkey 5 by Gülbahar Kültür
Made In Turkey 5 by Gülbahar Kültür 41.20 TL36.95 TL


Local, Authorities, In, Turkey, 9789755339788
Local Authorities In Turkey 80.00 TL68.00 TL


Literary Production Currents and Politics in Turkey Hakkı Başgüney Libra Yayınları 9786054326884
Literary Production Currents and Politics in Turkey Hakkı Başgüney Libra Yayınları 250.00 TL237.50 TL


Lets Roll in Turkey Türkiyeyi Geziyoruz Kumdan Kale Yayınları 9786059267151
Lets Roll in Turkey Türkiyeyi Geziyoruz Kumdan Kale Yayınları 392.00 TL


Legends of Authority: The 1215 Seljuk Inscriptions of Sinop Citadel, Turkey Scott Redford Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
Legends of Authority: The 1215 Seljuk Inscriptions of Sinop Citadel, Turkey Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları 1000.00 TL800.00 TL


kosovo issue and turkey nationalism in the balkans, mehmet cem ogulturk, ekin basim yayin akademik kitaplar, 9786257090537
Kosovo Issue and Turkey Nationalism in The Balkans Ekin Basım Yayın - Akademik Kitaplar 345.00 TL


July 15 Coup Attempt İn Turkey Seta Yayınları 9789752459182
July 15 Coup Attempt İn Turkey Seta Yayınları 50.00 TL42.50 TL


Jewish Journalism and Press In the Ottoman Empire and Turkey Rıfat N. Bali Libra Yayınları 9786059022750
Jewish Journalism and Press In the Ottoman Empire and Turkey Rıfat N. Bali Libra Yayınları 300.00 TL


International Migration and Refugees in the 21st Century A Perspective of Turkey Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık 9786050331981
International Migration and Refugees in the 21st Century A Perspective of Turkey Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık 390.00 TL351.00 TL


insight turkey vol 22 no 1 winter 2020, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000071117
Insight Turkey Vol: 22 No: 1 Winter 2020 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


insight turkey vol 21 no 3 summer 2019, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000000109
Insight Turkey Vol: 21 No: 3 Summer 2019 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


insight turkey vol 21 no 2, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000022305
Insight Turkey Vol: 21 No: 2 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


insight turkey vol 22 no 4, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000054140
Insight Turkey Vol. 22, No. 4 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


insight turkey vol 22 no 3, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000054139
Insight Turkey Vol. 22, No. 3 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


insight turkey vol 22 no 2, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000025568
Insight Turkey Vol. 22, No. 2 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


insight turkey vol 22 no 2, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000071119
Insight Turkey Vol. 22, No. 2 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


insight turkey vol20 no2, kolektif, seta yayinlari, 3990000039245
Insight Turkey Vol 20 No 2 Seta Yayınları 25.00 TL21.25 TL


In The Turkey Kanes Yayınları 9786054478866
In The Turkey Kanes Yayınları 11.11 TL8.89 TL


In, Search, Of, The, Immortal, Tree / Olives, and, Olive, Oil, in Turkey, Yapı, Kredi, Yayınları, 9789750859250
In Search Of The Immortal Tree / Olives and Olive Oil in Turkey Yapı Kredi Yayınları 1050.00 TL735.00 TL


Image of Turkey Perceptions of South Caucasian Students Studying in Turkey, Akademisyen Kitabevi, 9786257354400
Image of Turkey Perceptions of South Caucasian Students Studying in Turkey Akademisyen Kitabevi 140.00 TL


Human Rights in Turkey and World in the Light of Fifty-year Experience Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu 9789754911304
Human Rights in Turkey and World in the Light of Fifty-year Experience Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu 47.00 TL37.60 TL


Holistic Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Foreign Language Teaching in Turkey With Actor Technic Perspective 1987 2017 Efe Akademi Yayınları 9786056017360
Holistic Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Foreign Language Teaching in Turkey With Actor Technic Perspective 1987 2017 Efe Akademi Yayınları 50.00 TL


9789757172130 Hittite and Hurrian Cuneiform Tablets From Ortaköy (Çorum), Central Turkey Simurg Yayınları
Hittite and Hurrian Cuneiform Tablets From Ortaköy (Çorum), Central Turkey Simurg Yayınları 23.15 TL18.53 TL


Hearing the Phenomenon of Divorce in Turkey From Divorce Lawyers Social Change Gender and Patriarchy, Gazi Kitabevi, 9786257358361
Hearing the Phenomenon of Divorce in Turkey From Divorce Lawyers Social Change Gender and Patriarchy Gazi Kitabevi 140.00 TL126.00 TL


9786058695719 Health Culture and The Human Body Epidemiology Ethics and History of Medicine Perspectives From Turkey and Central Europe Betim Kitaplığı
Health Culture and The Human Body Epidemiology Ethics and History of Medicine Perspectives From Turkey and Central Europe Betim Kitaplığı 250.00 TL


Gülümse, Türkiye, Smile, Turkey, Kırmızıkedi, Yayınevi, 9786254183096
Gülümse Türkiye ;Smile Turkey Kırmızıkedi Yayınevi 750.00 TL525.00 TL


Greco Roman Cities of Aegean Turkey Ege Yayınları 9786054701414
Greco Roman Cities of Aegean Turkey Ege Yayınları 120.00 TL108.00 TL


Golden Country Turkey (İngilizce) Mehmet Hengirmen Engin Yayınevi 9789753202152
Golden Country Turkey (İngilizce) Mehmet Hengirmen Engin Yayınevi 950.00 TL665.00 TL


Fotoğraflarla Türkiyede İnsan Hakları Human Rights in Turkey Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları 3990000009205
Fotoğraflarla Türkiyede İnsan Hakları Human Rights in Turkey Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları 23.00 TL18.40 TL


Football Hooliganism and Its Solutions with Specific Refernce to Turkey Adalet Yayınevi 9786053007210
Football Hooliganism and Its Solutions with Specific Refernce to Turkey Adalet Yayınevi 170.00 TL


8697550321017 Folklor Of Turkey With Saz
Folklor Of Turkey With Saz 13.79 TL12.20 TL


Folk Costumes Of Turkey A Paper Doll Book Amy Chaple Çitlembik Yayınevi 9789756663059
Folk Costumes Of Turkey A Paper Doll Book Amy Chaple Çitlembik Yayınevi 7.41 TL6.45 TL


Fighting Against All Odds: A Policy Roadmap To Combat Online Child Sexual Abuse In Turkey Leyla Keser Berber On İki Levha Yayınları
Fighting Against All Odds: A Policy Roadmap To Combat Online Child Sexual Abuse In Turkey On İki Levha Yayınları 171.60 TL


Faith and Fashion in Turkey Nazlı Alimen I.B. Tauris
Faith and Fashion in Turkey I.B. Tauris 195.00 TL


Exploring Turkey Çitlembik Yayınevi 9789756663004
Exploring Turkey Çitlembik Yayınevi 7.41 TL6.45 TL


Exploring Turkey (Rusça) Çitlembik Yayınevi 9789756663110
Exploring Turkey (Rusça) Çitlembik Yayınevi 7.41 TL6.45 TL


Europe In Womens Short Stories From Turkey Milet Yayınları 9781840597677
Europe In Womens Short Stories From Turkey Milet Yayınları 175.00 TL136.50 TL


Eugenies in Turkey During the 1930s Orhan Aybers Libra Yayınları 9786052380222
Eugenies in Turkey During the 1930s Orhan Aybers Libra Yayınları 140.00 TL


Elite Political Culture in Turkey Nobel Bilimsel Eserler 9786052149249
Elite Political Culture in Turkey Nobel Bilimsel Eserler 165.00 TL148.00 TL


Eligion State Relations in Turkey and Iran: Ideologies, Institutions and International Influences Agah Hazır Libra Yayınları
Eligion State Relations in Turkey and Iran: Ideologies, Institutions and International Influences Agah Hazır Libra Yayınları 200.00 TL190.00 TL


Electoral Systems in Turkey Burak Cop Libra Yayınları 9786052380185
Electoral Systems in Turkey Burak Cop Libra Yayınları 180.00 TL


Ekphrasis Turkey and the West Nazmi Ağıl Simurg Yayınları 9786054055333
Ekphrasis Turkey and the West Nazmi Ağıl Simurg Yayınları 40.00 TL32.00 TL


Effective ELT Practices Across Turkey Yusuf Demir Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık - Akademik Kitaplar
Effective ELT Practices Across Turkey Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık - Akademik Kitaplar 260.00 TL234.00 TL


Ebru Reflections Of Cultural Diversity In Turkey Metis Yayınları 9789753425728
Ebru Reflections Of Cultural Diversity In Turkey Metis Yayınları 1200.00 TL960.00 TL


Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey Political, Judicial, and Economic Perspectives Kemal İnat Seta Yayınları
Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey Political, Judicial, and Economic Perspectives Seta Yayınları 85.00 TL72.25 TL
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