Washington Square is a great read for anyone who wants to ponder some of life’s big questions about relationships and love.
So why is this novel so mesmerizing? It possesses a talent for posing tantalizingly unanswerable questions that are essential to life. What is acceptable to love about someone? Is it wrong to love them for things that they were born with, such as their wealth and status? And at what point can one be absolved from their commitment to loving someone when that person or things about them change? The questions go on, and the square remains intact; the four central characters of the novel all end up to varying degrees worse off after the whole ordeal, and one struggles to imagine how the situation could have ended any less tragically with its perfect combination of complex characters.
- The Lawrentian
Yazar Hakkında
Henry James 1843`te New York`ta doğdu. Babası dönemin önde gelen dinbilimci ve filozoflarındandı; ağabeyi William da tanınmış bir filozoftu. New York`ta başladığı eğitimine Londra, Paris ve Cenevre`de devam etti. 1862`de Harvard`da Hukuk Fakültesi`ne girdi. 1865`ten itibaren dergi ve gazetelerde kısa hikayeler yazmaya başladı. 1875`te bir seneliğine Paris`e taşındı, burada Flaubert, Turgenyev ve dönemin ünlü yazarlarıyla tanıştı. Ertesi yıl Londra`ya geçti, 1915`te İngiliz vatandaşı oldu ve 1916`da öldü. Kısa hikayeler, oyunlar, eleştiriler, seyahat kitapları ve özyaşam öyküsü dışında yirmi roman yazdı.
1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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80.00 TL
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10 |
Almanca Türkçe Hikayeler Derece 1 Kitap 1 Rüya Fono Yayınları |
323.00 TL
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