Yaklaşık 2 İş Günü |
And now here is my secret. It's very simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. The most important things are invisible to the eye. (The Fox) When you look up at the sky at night, since I'll be living on one of them, since I'll be laughing on one of them, to you it will sound as if all the stars are laughing. (The Little Prince) The Little Prince is a story written and illustrated by French writer, poet, and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. First published in 1943, the book has since been translated into more than 250 languages and has become one of the best-selling books to date. The Little Prince is both for children due to its illustrations and imaginative fairy-tale quality and for adults (since they were children first) due to its several observations about life and human nature. It tells the story of a pilot and the young prince he meets, who has fallen to Earth from an asteroid. The story tries to find out the secret to what is really important in life and urges us to read at many different levels of meaning, from fairy tale to deeper secrets of reality. YAZARIN DİĞER KİTAPLARI Küçük Prens Küçük Prens Altınpost Yayınları Antoine de Saint Exupery 7,00 ? And now here is my secret. It's very simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. The most important things are invisible to the eye. (The Fox) When you look up at the sky at night, since I'll be living on one of them, since I'll be laughing on one of them, to you it will sound as if all the stars are laughing. (The Little Prince) The Little Prince is a story written and illustrated by French writer, poet, and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. First published in 1943, the book has since been translated into more than 250 languages and has become one of the best-selling books to date. The Little Prince is both for children due to its illustrations and imaginative fairy-tale quality and for adults (since they were children first) due to its several observations about life and human nature. It tells the story of a pilot and the young prince he meets, who has fallen to Earth from an asteroid. The story tries to find out the secret to what is really important in life and urges us to read at many different levels of meaning, from fairy tale to deeper secrets of reality.
Yazar Hakkında
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Antoine De Saint ExuperyAntoine de Saint-Exupéry (29 Haziran 1900, Lyon - 31 Temmuz 1944), Fransız pilot, yazar ve şairdir. Özellikle "Küçük Prens" (Le Petit Prince) isimli eseriyle ünlenmiştir. İsviçre`de öğrenim gördü. 1921 yılında Fransız Hava Kuvvetleri`ne katıldı; daha sonra ordudan ayrıldı hava postacılığı yaptı. İlk kitabı 1928`de yayımlandı: "Güney Postası" (Courrier-Sud). İkinci kitabı: "Gece Uçuşu" (Voil de Nuit).1939 yılında yakın dostu Andre Gide`in ısrarı ile bir pilotun gözünden yazdığı "İnsanların Dünyası" (Terre des Hommes) Fransız Akademisi Roman Büyük Ödülü`nü kazandı. 1943 yılında ünlü romanı "Küçük Prens" (Le Petit Prince) yayımlandı. Aynı yıl II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında tekrar ordu için uçmaya başlayan yazar 1944 yılında vurulmuş ve büyük bir kaza geçirmiştir. Uçağı ve cesedi bulunamamıştır. Tamamlanmamış olan, politikaya ve diğer ideallerine yer verdiği kitabı "Çölün Bilgeliği" (La Citadelle) 1948`de yayımlanmıştır. Yeni yapılan Lyon Havaalanına onun adı verilmiştir.
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Alice In Wonderland Stage 1 Dorlion Yayınları |
80.00 TL
59.62 TL
| 828 adet Satıldı |
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Mysterious Island Stage 1 İngilizce Hikaye Jules Verne Dorlion Yayınları |
80.00 TL
59.62 TL
| 567 adet Satıldı |
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Black Beauty Stage 1 Dorlion Yayınları |
80.00 TL
59.62 TL
| 380 adet Satıldı |
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Romeo Juliet İngilizce Roman William Shakespeare Dorlion Yayınları |
120.00 TL
90.00 TL
| 346 adet Satıldı |
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The Five Orange Pips Stage 3 Dorlion Yayınevi |
80.00 TL
59.62 TL
| 335 adet Satıldı |
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She Wolf Stage 2 İngilizce Hikaye Hector Hugh Munro Dorlion Yayınevi |
80.00 TL
59.62 TL
| 199 adet Satıldı |
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The Little Prince İngilizce Hikaye Stage 5 Antoine De Saint Exupery Dorlion Yayınevi |
80.00 TL
60.00 TL
| 184 adet Satıldı |
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Almanca Türkçe Hikayeler Derece 1 Kitap 1 Rüya Fono Yayınları |
323.00 TL
| 178 adet Satıldı |
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En Güzel Hikayeler Rusça Hikayeler Seviye 1 Dorlion Yayınları |
80.00 TL
59.62 TL
| 177 adet Satıldı |
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Reginald Stage 3 ,İngilizce Hikaye Hector Hung Mnro Dorlion Yayınevi |
80.00 TL
60.00 TL
| 169 adet Satıldı |