En geç 30 Mart Pazar gününe kadar |
Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was born in Berdichev, Ukraine, on December 3rd, 1857. He was born Polish but he would become renmvned for his English short stories and novels.
His father, Apollo Korzeniovski, worked as a translator of English and French literatüre, so Joseph had a significant exposure to literatüre while stili a boy.
In 1861 his family was exiled to Northern Russia as a result of his father´s political activities. Tlıen in 1869, both of Conrad´s parents died of tuberculosis and he went to Switzerland to live with his uncle.
Conrad attended school in Krakovv but he dreamed of the sea and in the 1870´s he joined the French merchant marines. While working on a ship Conrad rnade voyages to the West Indies and was even involved in arms smuggling. Eventually Conrad joined the British merchant navy and swiftly climbed the ranks. By 1886 he was commanding his own ship and was given British citizenship. It was at this time that he officially changed his name to Joseph Conrad.
Conrad spent the next part of his life sailing ali över the world, it was this experience that provided him with material on the exotic locations ofnıany of his novels. He visited Australia, various islands in the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific, South America, and he even sailed up the Congo River in Af rica. In 1894 at the age of 36 Conrad finally left the sea behind him and settled down in England. Two years later he married an Englislnvoman by the name of Jessie George, and it was with her that he had two sons.
Even though he was settled down and had a family Conrad stili occasionally traveled, but for the most part he just vvrote his novels, the first of vvhich, Almayer´s Folly, appeared in 1895. That novel would be folloved by many others including The Heart of Darkness in 1902 and Nostromo in 1904. Conrad continued to write until theyear he died, publishing his last novel, The Nature of Crime, in 1924. He died August 3rd, 1924 of a heart attack.
Yazar Hakkında
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Joseph Conrad1857`de Polonyalı bir anne-babadan Ukrayna`da doğdu. Asıl adı Josef Korzeniowski`ydi. Sürgün edilen anne ve babasıyla birlikte Rusya`ya gitti. 1874 yılında bir Fransız gemisinde denizcilik hayatına başladıktan sonra 1884`de bir İngiliz denizcilik şirketine geçti ve İngiliz vatandaşı oldu. Denizcilik hayatı 1894`e kadar sürdü. Bundan sonra kendini yazmaya verdi. Ancak bu yıllar arasında, hikâye ve romanlarının pek çoğuna konu ve tema sağlayan denizcilik hayatından alacağını almıştı. 1924 yılında ölen Conrad, anadili olmamakla birlikte İngiliz dilinin en önemli yazarları arasında yeralmayı başardı. Dilindeki belli belirsiz yabancılığı, anlatmayı sevdiği iç dünyaları, çeşitli yorumlara açık çetrefil kişilikleri anlatmakta başarıyla kullandı. Nostromo (Çeviren: Mehmet H. Doğan, Adam Yayınları), Nigger of Narcissus, Lord Jim, Victory (Zafer, Çeviren: Armağan İlkin, Adam Yayınları), Secret Agent, Under Western Eyes (Razumov`un Öyküsü, Çeviren: Ayşe Yunus-Zafer Bakırcı, Alan Yayıncılık) ve The Heart of Darkness en önemli eserleri arasındadır.
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