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Voices For The Future Civic Dialogue Between Turks And Greeks İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları

Voices For The Future Civic Dialogue Between Turks And Greeks İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları | 9789756857861
Üretici Liste Fiyatı: 6.48 TL
Kitapseç Fiyatı:5.38 TL
Yayınevi / Marka
1.10 TL
Kazanacağınız Puan
5 Puan
Sayfa Sayısı
Kitap Ebatı
Kargo İndirimi
699 TL üzeri Kargo BEDAVA
Tedarik Süresi
Yaklaşık 2 İş Günü

Bu Ürün Tedarik Aşamasındadır.

During the last decade there has been a remarkable increase in the number of NGOs working on issues of building peace, women, environment, history education cooperation of local governments and business associations, both in Greece and Turkey.

The aim of this book is to bring more visibility to NGOs and provide a deeper understanding of the background of the new forms of civic dialogue taking place between the two countries. Writers from Turkey, Greece, UK, and North and South of Cyprus contributed to this publication to answer three questions: 1) what do you think are the most important developments in Turkish and Greek relations at the level of civil society during the last 10 years? 2) How would you evaluate these developments from the perspective of the field of your work? 3) What are your proposals for the future? Each author responded to the questions from his/her own experience.

By sharing experiences through the accounts and articles of key people dedicated to improve Turkish- Greek civic dialogue, we hope to raise public awareness -local and international- and strengthen our networks.


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