Yaklaşık 2 İş Günü |
In 1983, while living in Washington, D.C., I received a telephone call from a former student named Uğur Doğan, who was then serving as a young diplomat at the Turkish Embassy. He told me that he had recently met a most interesting man, who not only had traveled to Ankara and interviewed Mustafa Kemal Paşa [Atatürk] in 1921, but had also written an unpublished manuscript about the seven weeks he spent in Anatolia during the winter of that year. This was Clarence K. Streit, who was one of the very first foreign journalists to visit Ankara at the height of the Turkish War of Independence, and the first foreign correspondent to personally interview Mustafa Kemal Paşa after he was elected President of the Grand National Assembly.
Streit`s connection to Turkey did not end with his 1921 visit. At the end of the following year he covered the Lausanne Treaty negotiations in Switzerland, after which he returned to İstnabul as the Public Ledger`s correspondent for the Near East and the Balkans, a position he held for the next two years.
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Kök Tengri`nin Çocukları Ahmet Taşağıl Bilge Kültür Sanat |
300.00 TL
225.00 TL
| 486 adet Satıldı |
2 |
Nutuk Tam Metin Dorlion Yayınevi |
465.00 TL
349.00 TL
| 226 adet Satıldı |
3 |
Modernleşen Türkiye`nin Tarihi İletişim Yayınevi |
475.00 TL
380.00 TL
| 172 adet Satıldı |
4 |
Cumhuriyetin İlk Yüzyılı 1923 Kronik Kitap |
195.00 TL
136.50 TL
| 167 adet Satıldı |
5 |
Türkçülüğün Esasları Kitap Zamanı Yayınları |
80.00 TL
52.00 TL
| 162 adet Satıldı |
6 |
Kısa Türkiye Tarihi Kemal Karpat Timaş Yayınları |
335.00 TL
251.25 TL
| 107 adet Satıldı |
7 |
Rönesans Avrupası Türkiyenin Batı Medeniyetiyle Özdeşleşme Süreci Seçme Eserleri V Halil İnalcık İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları |
288.00 TL
202.00 TL
| 107 adet Satıldı |
8 |
Unutulanlar Dışında Yeni Bir Şey Yok Osman Pamukoğlu İnkılap Kitabevi |
430.00 TL
301.00 TL
| 86 adet Satıldı |
9 |
Masada Kaybedilen Vatan Ahmet Anapalı Profil Kitap |
345.00 TL
241.50 TL
| 79 adet Satıldı |
10 |
Kudüs Ey Kudüs Kronik Kitap |
495.00 TL
346.50 TL
| 70 adet Satıldı |