Yaklaşık 2 İş Günü |
In Islamic law the world was made up of the `House of Islam` and the `House of War` with the Ottoman Sultan-successor to the early Caliphs-as supreme ruler of the Islamic world. However, in this ground-breaking study of the Ottoman Empire in the early modern period, Suraiya Faroqhi demonstrates that there was no `iron curtain` between the Ottoman and `other` worlds but rather a long-established network of connections-diplomatic, trading and financial, cultural and religious. These extended beyond regional contacts to the empires of Asia and the burgeoning `modern` states of Europe-England, France, the Netherlands and Venice. Of course, military conflict was a constant factor in these relationships, but the overriding reslity was `one world` and contact between cultured and pragmatic elites-even `gentlemen travelling for pleasure` -as well as pillgrimage and close artistic contact with the European. Faroqhi`s book is based on a huge study of original and early modern sources, including diplomatic records, travel and geographical writing, as well as personal accounts. Its breadth and originalty will make it essential reading for historians of Europe and the Middle East.
1 |
Günümüz Türkçesiyle Nutuk Yapı Kredi Yayınları |
150.00 TL
105.00 TL
| 923 adet Satıldı |
2 |
Orhun Abideleri Muharrem Ergin Boğaziçi Yayınları |
200.00 TL
| 777 adet Satıldı |
3 |
Devlet-i Aliyye Halil İnalcık İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları |
375.00 TL
262.50 TL
| 765 adet Satıldı |
4 |
Yakın Tarihin Gerçekleri Kronik Kitap |
195.00 TL
136.50 TL
| 537 adet Satıldı |
5 |
İmparatorluktan Cumhuriyete Halil İnalcık Kronik Kitap |
195.00 TL
136.50 TL
| 537 adet Satıldı |
6 |
Timurlenk Kronik Kitap |
295.00 TL
206.50 TL
| 473 adet Satıldı |
7 |
Türklerin Altın Çağı Kronik Kitap |
195.00 TL
136.50 TL
| 446 adet Satıldı |
8 |
Mitoloji 101 Say Yayınları |
300.00 TL
234.00 TL
| 386 adet Satıldı |
9 |
Sultanı Cihan Abdülhamid Han Yavuz Bahadıroğlu Nesil Yayınları |
230.00 TL
150.00 TL
| 325 adet Satıldı |
10 |
Defterimden Portreler İlber Ortaylı Kronik Kitap |
195.00 TL
136.50 TL
| 306 adet Satıldı |