En geç 06 Şubat Perşembe gününe kadar |
“...Angling, therefore, may be distinguished either into fishing by day, or, which some commend, but the cold and dews caused me to disrelish that which impaired my health, by night; and these again are of two sorts, either upon the superficies of the water, or more or less under the surface thereof: of this sort is angling with the groundline, with lead, but no float, for the Trout, or with lead and float for all sorts of fish, or near the surface of the water for Chub, Roach, &c. or with a troll for the Pike, or a minnow for the Trout; of which more in due place. That way of angling upon or above the water, is with cankers, palmers, caterpillars, cadbait, or any worm bred on herbs or trees, or with flies as well natural as artificial; of these last shall be our first discourse, as comprising much of the other lastnamed, and as being the most pleasant and delightful part of angling...”
1 |
Bütün-Beyinli Çocuk Diyojen Yayıncılık |
298.00 TL
223.50 TL
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2 |
Mitoloji Sözlüğü Remzi Kitabevi |
400.00 TL
300.00 TL
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3 |
İrade Terbiyesi Kapı Yayınları |
195.00 TL
147.00 TL
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4 |
Yaşam Boyu Gelişim Gelişim Psikolojisi Nobel Yayınevi |
750.00 TL
675.00 TL
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5 |
Babilin En Zengin Adamı George S. Clason Butik Yayınları |
355.00 TL
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
Cinsellik Üzerine Sigmund Freud Oda Yayınları |
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9 |
Kırkından Sonra Glenda Shawley Sola Unitas |
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10 |
Yatırım 101 Say Yayınları |
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