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The Cossacks Leo Tolstoy Platanus Publishing

The Cossacks Leo Tolstoy Platanus Publishing | 9786257058612
Üretici Liste Fiyatı: 264.00 TL
Kitapseç Fiyatı:198.00 TL
Yayınevi / Marka
66.00 TL
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198 Puan
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790 TL üzeri Kargo BEDAVA
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Yaklaşık 2 İş Günü

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The Cossacks Leo Tolstoy Platanus Publishing

“Next came a thought that made him wince and mutter incoherently. It was the recollection of M. Cappele the tailor, and the six hundred and seventy-eight rubles he still owed him, and he recalled the words in which he had begged him to wait another year, and the look of perplexity and resignation which had appeared on the tailor’s face. ‘Oh, my God, my God!’ he repeated, wincing and trying to drive away the intolerable thought. ‘All the same and in spite of everything she loved me,’ thought he of the girl they had talked about at the farewell supper. ‘Yes, had I married her I should not now be owing anything, and as it is I am in debt to Vasilyev.’ Then he remembered the last night he had played with Vasilyev at the club (just after leaving her), and he recalled his humiliating requests for another game and the other’s cold refusal. ‘A year’s economizing and they will all be paid, and the devil take them!’... But despite this assurance he again began calculating his outstanding debts, their dates, and when he could hope to pay them off.”


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