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The Confessions of Saint Augustine Saint Augustine Tropikal Kitap

The Confessions of Saint Augustine Saint Augustine Tropikal Kitap | 9786057734105
Kitapseç Fiyatı:89.26 TL
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The Confessions of Saint Augustine Saint Augustine Tropikal Kitap

Great art Thou, O Lord, and greatly to be praised; great is Thy power, and Thy wisdom infinite. And Thee would man praise; man, but a particle of Thy creation; man, that bears about him his mortality, the witness of his sin, the witness that Thou resistest the proud: yet would man praise Thee; he, but a particle of Thy creation. Thou awakest us to delight in Thy praise; for Thou madest us for Thyself, and our heart is restless, until it repose in Thee. Grant me, Lord, to know and understand which is first, to call on Thee or to praise Thee? and, again, to know Thee or to call on Thee? for who can call on Thee, not knowing Thee? for he that knoweth Thee not, may call on Thee as other than Thou art. Or, is it rather, that we call on Thee that we may know Thee? but how shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? or how shall they believe without a preacher? and they that seek the Lord shall praise Him: for they that seek shall find Him, and they that find shall praise Him. I will seek Thee, Lord, by calling on Thee; and will call on Thee, believing in Thee; for to us hast Thou been preached. My faith, Lord, shall call on Thee, which Thou hast given me, wherewith Thou hast inspired me, through the Incarnation of Thy Son, through the ministry ofthe Preacher.


Bu Ürüne Bakanlar Bunlarada Baktı


The Confessions of Saint Augustine, (Collins Classics), Nüans Publishing, 9780008480035
The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Collins Classics) Nüans Publishing
Mağaza: KitapSeç
220.00 TL
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