1. | Titles | |
2. | Overture | |
3. | Christmas Eve In The Kitchen | |
4. | The Stahlbaums Dress For Dinner | |
5. | The Guests Arrive | |
6. | The Grown-Ups Dance | |
7. | Drosselmeyer Arrives | |
8. | Dances Of The Mechanical Dolls | |
9. | Masha Dances With The Nutcracker | |
10. | Grandfather's Dance | |
11. | The Guests Depart | |
12. | The Drawing Room - Midnight - The Rats' Ball | |
13. | ransformation - Battle Of The Rats & Toys | |
14. | The Nutcracker And Masha Fly Off | |
15. | Waltz Of The Snowflakes | |
16. | Inside The Sweet Shop | |
17. | Dance Of The Spanish Matadors | |
18. | Dance Of The Eastern Snake-Charmers | |
19. | Dance Of The Chinamen | |
20. | Dance Of The Petrushkas | |
21. | Dance Of The Bumblebees | |
22. | Dance Of The Pulcinellas | |
23. | Masha Breaks The Spell | |
24. | Waltz Of The Flowers | |
25. | Pas de deux: Masha And The Nutcracker Prince | |
26. | Solo: The Nutcracker Prince (Tarantella) | |
27. | Solo: Masha (Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy) | |
28. | Coda: The Nutcracker Prince, Masha & All Of Confiturenberg | |
29. | Grand Wedding Waltz | |
30. | Drosselmeyer Outside The Shop | |
31. | The Wedding Cake | |
32. | Curtain Calls | |
33. | Closing Credits |