En geç 05 Şubat Çarşamba gününe kadar |
In his long, fruitful life, which began in the 1850s and lasted until 1939, Freud added significant value to the world. The famous neurologist is regarded as the founder of the science of psychoanalysis.
While learning Latin, French and English in high school, he learned Hebrew, Spanish and Italian by his own efforts. He was a successful, knowledge-loving student. Influenced by Goethe's work, he decided to study medicine.
Coming from a Jewish family, Freud faced anti-Semitism during his university years and was ostracized by society. However, these problems made him deepen his studies. In 1876 he entered the laboratory of the physiologist Brücke, where he conducted research on anatomy and the human nervous system. He finished his medical studies in 1881. In 1883, Freud started to work as an assistant in the psychiatry clinic under the direction of the famous brain anatomy and neuropathology specialist of the time, Doctor Theodor Meynert.
His hunger for knowledge has been satisfied by too many books, new and illuminating discoveries for science, working with patients. Scientists are still reaping the fruits of this hunger in the world of 2023.
As Kırmızı Ada Publishing, we are proud to compile and publish Freud's valuable books and articles.
Yazar Hakkında
Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud, psikanaliz öğretisini geliştirmiş olan Avusturyalı nörolog. Kişiliğin 5 farklı dönemden geçerek geliştiğini öne süren Psikanalitik kuramın kurucusudur
1 |
Pembe Fili Düşünme İnkılap Kitabevi |
230.00 TL
161.00 TL
| 3244 adet Satıldı |
2 |
Bir Psikiyatristin Gizli Defteri Doğan Kitap |
330.00 TL
280.00 TL
| 2003 adet Satıldı |
3 |
Kadınlar Sıcak Erkekler Soğuk Sever Destek Yayınları |
290.00 TL
203.00 TL
| 1821 adet Satıldı |
4 |
Aşkın Psikolojisi Sigmund Freud Cem Yayınevi |
75.00 TL
60.00 TL
| 959 adet Satıldı |
5 |
İz Bıraktığın Kadar Varsın Destek Yayınları |
310.00 TL
217.00 TL
| 771 adet Satıldı |
6 |
Dinle Küçük Adam Cem Yayınevi |
160.00 TL
128.00 TL
| 767 adet Satıldı |
7 |
Geliştiren Anne-Baba Kronik Kitap |
175.00 TL
122.50 TL
| 722 adet Satıldı |
8 |
Boşluk Hissi Çocuklukta İhmalin İzi Jonice Webb Sola Unitas |
430.00 TL
322.00 TL
| 639 adet Satıldı |
9 |
Fark Et Düşün Hisset Yaşa M. Hakan Türkçapar Epsilon Yayınları |
395.00 TL
277.00 TL
| 633 adet Satıldı |
10 |
Resimleriyle Çocuk Remzi Kitabevi |
425.00 TL
319.00 TL
| 530 adet Satıldı |