Straight from Rooster Teeth’s hit animation series, a new four-volume anthology series featuring stories from various manga creators, each focusing on a different member of Team RWBY!
The world of Remnant is filled with horrific monsters bent on the destruction of humanity. Fortunately, the kingdoms of the world have risen to combat these forces by training powerful Huntsmen and Huntresses at academies around the planet. Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long are four such Huntresses in training.
All new short stories set in the world of RWBY from no less than twenty different manga creators in one single volume!
Includes a full color four-page story and four full-color illustrations. This volume focuses on Weiss Schnee from TEAM RWBY.
Plus, bonus messages from the illustrators and creators included in this volume, with longer notes from RWBY character designer Ein Lee and actress Kate Eberle, the voice of Weiss Schnee!
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Death Note Ölüm Defteri 1 Akıl Çelen Kitaplar |
195.00 TL
146.00 TL
| 670 adet Satıldı |
2 |
Gölgelerin Efendisi 1 Gorlan Harabeleri Beyaz Balina Yayınları |
190.00 TL
142.50 TL
| 521 adet Satıldı |
3 |
Death Note - Ölüm Defteri 2 Akıl Çelen Kitaplar |
195.00 TL
146.00 TL
| 417 adet Satıldı |
4 |
Morden Dosyası Galata Yayıncılık |
100.00 TL
80.00 TL
| 321 adet Satıldı |
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Death Note - Ölüm Defteri 4 Akıl Çelen Kitaplar |
195.00 TL
146.00 TL
| 266 adet Satıldı |
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Death Note Ölüm Defteri 6 Akılçelen Kitaplar |
195.00 TL
146.00 TL
| 255 adet Satıldı |
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Death Note Ölüm Defteri 5 Akıl Çelen Kitaplar |
195.00 TL
146.00 TL
| 225 adet Satıldı |
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Naruto 1. Cilt Gerkeli Şeyler Yayıncılık |
120.00 TL
90.00 TL
| 224 adet Satıldı |
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Death Note Ölüm Defteri 9 Akılçelen Kitaplar |
195.00 TL
146.00 TL
| 197 adet Satıldı |
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Seraph of the End Kıyamet Meleği Cilt 1 Kurukafa Yayınevi |
195.00 TL
146.00 TL
| 154 adet Satıldı |