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Pelikans Grammar Wizard Students Book Pelikan Yayınları

Pelikans Grammar Wizard Students Book Pelikan Yayınları | 9789944119696
Kitapseç Fiyatı:32.50 TL
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32 Puan
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Toplam Satılan
14 Adet
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690 TL üzeri Kargo BEDAVA
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Yaklaşık 2 İş Günü

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Pelikans Grammar Wizard Students Book Pelikan Yayınları

Pelikan's Grammar Wizard is prepared to serve dual function as both a text book forgrammar classes and a reference book for individual learners from elementary to advanced level. The book is distinguished by its comprehensiveness, clarity, accessibility, and organization. But within this context myriad revisions and additions to the old book keep pace with changes in teaching and learning ofEnglish Grammar. The most significant of these alterations make the book even more convenient for the students as a text book designed to be used in class, taking into consideration the needs, interests, and aspirations of each student.Pelikan's Grammar Wizard is the ultimate grammar book which fulfils four main functions. First, by providing concise, easy to understand and deductive explanations and inductive examples of target grammar points, the book makes the learning of English language easy for the EFL/ESL learners.Second, the exercises rich in variety and ample in quantity following the explanations help students reinforce their understanding of the grammar points presented in the explanation parts. Third, ample and updated exercises pave the way for the students to perfect their acquisition. Fourth, the appendices section complements the book by providing most useful vocabulary, charts, and lists.Another crucial property of the book which is noteworthy is the way the book is designed. Undoubtedly the most conspicuous change in this book is the brightened design, conceived to be functional as well as handsome. Headings are easier to find and read; exercises are more distinct; and crucial material is easily accessible. The grammar is presented in such a way that the points covered in the earlier units serve as the basis for the later units, and subconsciously prepare the students for moresophisticated grammar points. In presentation of the target grammar points utmost care and attention is given to make the grammar point understandable. To make learning long-lasting, key grammar points are presented in charts, accompanied by explanations as well as easy-to-remember examples. The updated and revised examples following the explanations give students the leverage to keep the rules in mind for a longer time so that the grammar details can be internalized. The students doing exercises will have the opportunity to go back to the respective explanations as each exercise is designed to practice one specific grammar point. This, in our mind, is vital as we believe that learning is a structured activity and any explanation should be covered in the exercises for students to check their understanding of it.One should keep in mind that it is not possible to cover all the details of English Grammar in such a book. Therefore, in line with the syllabus designed by the Ministry of Education, only essential English Grammar is covered. The main target of the book is to teach learners of English the fundamentals of english language, so the priority is given to the essential English Grammar.A basic exercise and reference book for all learners of English from elementary to advanced level, Pelikan's Grammar Wizard can serve you as a text and exercise book in learning English not only in the classroom but also at home or at work. Mastery of the grammar points presented in this book will by itself make you cognizant of standard written English - the written language common to businessinteractions and various professions.

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