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Maha Yoga or The Upanishadic Lore in The Light of The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Gece Kitaplığı

Maha Yoga or The Upanishadic Lore in The Light of The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Gece Kitaplığı | 9786257445207
Üretici Liste Fiyatı: 123.00 TL
Kitapseç Fiyatı:80.00 TL
Yayınevi / Marka
43.00 TL
Kazanacağınız Puan
80 Puan
Basım Tarihi
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Kargo İndirimi
690 TL üzeri Kargo BEDAVA
Tedarik Süresi
En geç 11 Mayıs Cumartesi gününe kadar
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Satıcı: KitapSeç
Satıcı Ünvanı: ADRES7 Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi
İletişim: Satıcıların iletişim e-posta adresi kitapsec tarafından kayıt altındadır.
tarafından gönderilecektir.

&`;...This World is to us a means to an end, namely happiness; at least it is so for most of us. Some there are who maintain that we are here for the sake of the world, not for our own sake. What they mean is that we ought not to live for ourselves, but for the world. But that is quite another matter. The fact is that we live for ourselves in the first place, and for the world also in so far as the good of the world happens to be also our own. That being the case, we shall have to consider, some time or other, whether we have found happiness, and if not, then why; we shall have to think over the question whether, in seeking happiness in and through this world, we have not made some false assumptions...”

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