This book illustrated version of the Mar Twain`s "Following the Equator; A Journey Around the World" . It has nearly 200 illustrated graphics and pictures.. A man may have no bad habits and have worse. Pudd`nhead Wilson`s New Calendar. The starting point of this lecturing-trip around the world was Paris, where we had been living a year or two. We sailed for America, and there made certain preparations. This took but little time. Two members of my family elected to go with me. Also a carbuncle. The dictionary says a carbuncle is a kind of jewel. Humor is out of place in a dictionary. We started westward from New York in midsummer, with Major Pond to manage the platform-business as far as the Pacific. It was warm work, all the way, and the last fortnight of it was suffocatingly smoky, for in Oregon and British Columbia the forest fires were raging. We had an added week of smoke at the seaboard, where we were obliged to wait awhile for our ship. She had been getting herself ashore in the smoke, and she had to be docked and repaired. We sailed at last; and so ended a snail-paced march across the continent, which had lasted forty days. We moved westward about mid-afternoon over a rippled and sparkling summer sea; an enticing sea, a clean and cool sea, and apparently a welcome sea to all on board; it certainly was to me, after the distressful dustings and smokings and swelterings of the past weeks. The voyage would furnish a three-weeks holiday, with hardly a break in it. We had the whole Pacific Ocean in front of us, with nothing to do but do nothing and be comfortable. The city of Victoria was twinkling dim in the deep heart of her smoke-cloud, and getting ready to vanish and now we closed the field-glasses and sat down on our steamer chairs contented and at peace. But they went to wreck and ruin under us and brought us to shame before all the passengers. They had been furnished by the largest furniture-dealing house in Victoria, and were worth a couple of farthings a dozen, though they had cost us the price of honest chairs. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans one must still bring his own deck-chair on board or go without, just as in the old forgotten Atlantic times-those Dark Ages of sea travel.
Yazar Hakkında
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Mark TwainMark Twain, 30 Kasım 1835`te Missouri eyaletinin Florida kentinde doğdu. Asıl adı Samuel Langhorne Clemens`tir. Çiftçi olan babası öldüğünde Mark Twain, 11 yaşındaydı. İlk gençlik yıllarında bir basımevinde çalıştı. 18 yaşına gelince New York`a gitti. Kentten kente dolaştı. Daha sonra Mississippi`de buharlı gemilerde çalıştı. İç savaştan sonra gazetelere mizah yazıları yazdı. Mark Twain adı altında gazete muhabirliği ve dergi yazarlığı yaptı. İlk romanı olan Tom Sawyer`ın Serüvenleri`nin 1876 yılında yayınlanmasına kadar yazarlık konusunda değişik çalışmaları oldu. İlk kitabı Mississippi`de Hayat (1883) ve Huckleberry Finn`in Serüvenleri (1885) izledi. Bu üçleme Mark Twain`in başyapıtını oluşturdu. Mark Twain 1890`larda Avrupa`da yaşadı. Birinci kızının ölümü, ikincisininse ağır hastalığı Mark Twain`in bu dönemde kaleme aldığı yazılarına da yansıdı. Yeniden Amerika`ya dönen Mark Twain, 21 Nisan 1910`da Connecticut`taki evinde öldü.
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