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OBWL Level 6: Barchester Towers - audio pack

OBWL Level 6: Barchester Towers - audio pack | 9780194638111
Kitapseç Fiyatı:89.00 TL
Yayınevi / Marka
Kazanacağınız Puan
89 Puan
Basım Tarihi
Sayfa Sayısı
Kitap Ebatı
Kargo İndirimi
99 TL üzeri Kargo BEDAVA
Tedarik Süresi
Yaklaşık 2 İş Günü

Bu Ürün Tedarik Aşamasındadır.

Mrs Proudie, the warlike wife of the new Bishop of Barchester, brings the Reverend Slope into the Bishop's Palace to help dominate her husband and rule the local clergy. But Slope is a snake in the grass, determined to find a rich wife, to win advancement for himself, even to fight Mrs Proudie if necessary. Their battle becomes a furious dance, involving rich, pretty Widow Bold, angry Archdeacon Grantly, man-eating Signora Neroni, gentle Mr Harding, confused Parson Quiverful and his fourteen noisy children. This classic comic story is Trollope's most famous novel.

Bu Ürünü Satan Diğer Mağazalar


OBWL Level 6: Barchester Towers, Audio Pack, Oxford University Press, 9780194638111, Anthony Trollope
OBWL Level 6: Barchester Towers Audio Pack Oxford University Press
Mağaza: KitapSeç
315.00 TL
Aynı gün Kargo
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OBWL Level 6: Barchester Towers, Audio Pack, Oxford University Press, 9780194638111, Anthony Trollope
OBWL Level 6: Barchester Towers Audio Pack Oxford University Press
Mağaza: KitapSeç
315.00 TL
Aynı gün Kargo


The Warden Anthony Trollope Platanus Publishing 9786257068130
The Warden Anthony Trollope Platanus Publishing
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424.00 TL318.00 TL
Bu Ürün Bugün 2 defa
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